Dialogue in Malaysia.
Ritz Blitz
What Do Others Say About Carol?
"You were the highlight of the statewide professional conference. Due to the manner in which you presented the information on change, participants left with a renewed spirit!
"Outstanding! Very dynamic and knowledgeable speaker. She encouraged participation and involved the entire group." ~Meeting Planner
"I am sure you will be pleased as I am with the evaluation results! Throughout the day, attendees made a concerted effort to let me know just how much they enjoyed your session." ~Meeting Planner
"Outstanding! Carol did a wonderful job connecting with the people listening to the information provided. I was very impressed with the way Carol went out of her way to give as much information as possible. I can tell you Carol did a wonderful job and met my goal of everyone in our group taking something of value from Carol's presentation!" ~Meeting Planner
"I learned how to effectively deal with angry customers."
"I like Carol's sense of humor—it was fun!"
"You are a great Speaker ... I admire the work you do." "I would change nothing, but make it a little longer."